How I convinced Elon Musk’s advisor to hire me

• Mar 06, 2023 •

If you’re in the tech space you’ve probably heard of Sriram Krishnan and Aarthi Ramamurthy - kick-ass Silicon Valley power couple who’ve worked with legendary folks like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Marc Andreesen, Jack Dorsey, to name a few and host the popular podcast ‘The Aarthi and Sriram Show


2 years ago, I tweeted for the first time ever -

I tweeted @sriramk & @aarthir about creating content for the Good Time Show.

It didn't work.

But I never deleted that tweet because I was sure I’d work with them someday.

2 years later, I'm working with them!

Here's the story👇


@sriramk & @aarthir are iconic.

Watching folks from my hometown trailblazing, putting themselves out there, & making it big really inspired me over the years to follow my ambitious dreams.

I knew I wanted to work with them.  

But I wasn’t sure how I was going to do it.


They were out there collecting the Tech infinity stones working with Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Netflix, Microsoft, YCombinator, a16z

And I was just a random kid from Chennai with zero connections or clout. How can I get in their radar?

Enter: The Aarthi and Sriram Show


The Show interviews legendary founders/leaders about their story & unique insights. Guests include @elonmusk, @balajis, @pmarca, @garyvee, @garrytan, @thetanmay, & more!

I loved the show. More importantly, I was the show's target audience.

So, I did the obvious👇


The show was the perfect opportunity for me to get on their radar. I was persistent bc I believe if you look up to someone - you will learn a lot by working with them.

So, I tweeted @ them, sent free show art/DMs, & asked my friends to tag them.

Nothing happened.

Till last year.


Last year they had a mixer in Chennai - I had to be there.

Despite the thunderstorms - I got there, met them, & handed them a note signed as their 'future show guest'.

I expected them to forget about the note or discard it but...the next day I woke up to their kind DMs 👇


But I still wasn't working with them.

In 10 days, the opportunity presented itself: @aarthir & @sriramk tweeted they needed help with the show production.

I didn't want to send a resume, it was boring & they get  it everyday.

I sent them a pitch deck...pitching myself.


I sent it & went to bed with no expectations. In a few hours, I got an email -  they wanted to get on a call!

Fast forward: It worked! I currently work on creating content for the show!

Here's the #1 thing I like about working with them👇


They have an iterative approach to building - It's never 'do this', it's always 'let's try this', 'what do you think?'

But working with folks you look up to has cons: They were only supposed to be in your head; initially felt intimidating regularly texting/ideating w. Them🥲


With time, I'm sure they'll continue to reach new heights & I will (hopefully) go on to do interesting things but our paths crossing has been iconic for me.

I'll end with this:

Reach out to your favs, it might just work out!

In case you’re wondering, here’s that first tweet: